Sunday, May 11, 2014

Comfort Food

     Well, looks like Angeline is having second thoughts about quitting this challenge -- and she'd damn well better. I didn't have CAS crash on me two times while making her for nothing! 

Personally, I'd be more worried about our broke . . . ness.

     Actually, nevermind. All of her future kids are going to be burned in her memory, so what's the need for a camera? Thankfully, this generous helping of cash will hold her over for a while (read: a few seconds Sim hours).

 . . . Well, to be fair, that money is currently burning a hole in her pockets, so. . .

Angeline keeps it real (eco-friendly), and it's not like she'll be going out much. 

    Anyways, Sleeping Beauty wakes up at 7AM to the sound of her cellphone ringing, and suddenly . . . a wild Pokémon opportunity appears! It's right up her alley, too.

Would I like to accept? Are Sims' AIs really stupid?

     With the idea of cash moniez swimming in her mind, Angeline sets off to make the greatest bowl of Mac and Cheese to ever mac and cheese. And what do I get to read as soon as she finished cooking her mac-gnum cheesus*

     Practice makes perfect, I suppose. Three attempts and a house fire (that I totally forgot to screencap, sorry) later . . . 

"I hope the charred smell really wins them over."

    To be fair, making that goopy carbonara really helped boost Angie's self-esteem. Guys -- she's totally in it to win it. Nothing can stop her.

"Hey, you got your bike on my car!" "Hey, you got your car in my bike!"

     A hundred. We only got a measly hundred. Blargh. I suppose a little cash is better than no cash. 

 If only great education was free. I love how the science lab is also an Olan Mills portrait studio, too.

     Anyway, what better way to celebrate a victory than trying to score again? I'm about ready to buy a crib, an -


*I'd like to apologize for this awful pun

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life Skills

     FINALLY! Somebody of the male persuasion . . .  Angeline found herself thinking as she found herself restraining the urge to start sprinting down the street towards her well-dressed neighbor. With a deep breath --  a futile attempt to calm her nerves -- she boldly strode down the block while the man looked through his mailbox. Footsteps filled the still, silent air as the man looked up at the woman standing in front of his house with a tentative smile. They locked eyes . . .

Caaaaaan youuuu feeeel the loooove toniiight?

He found himself lost in a deep emerald sea.

She found herself lost in awkward mustache hair.

/romance novel mode off

Classic flirting technique -- trashing the other women in town. What an awesome first impression. However, before this intelligent conversation could truly begin to go somewhere, Angeline's stomach began growling. After saying goodbye to Victim 1 Nathan, Angeline began to walk home when it hit her: without cookbooks to rent from the library and being too cheap broke to afford her own meant that she was going to have to wing learning how to cook. She was not going to live on cereal and salad for the rest of her life!

Mac and Cheese will probably end up being her last meal, though.

 Miraculously, she didn't burn the house down! And with that wraps up our warmup of the 100 Baby Challenge . . . the baby chimes will start playing in a never-ending loop!

Angeline, dreaming of the challenge's ending (before it even started).

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seeing Sparks

53 Simoleons. Wonderful. Angeline couldn't raise a freaking houseplant on that budget, let alone a newborn child. She need cash, like, right now.

Luckily, she was sitting on a throne of 175 simoleons.
     Life lesson #3098: "Beggars can't be choosers". The next one after that is "It's probably not a great idea to wear the clothes you just moved that heavy, dusty chair with outside if you intended to get some hearts aflutter".

Having  fashion sense coordination helps. 

     I will spare you the barrage of CAS related photos, stories of long loading times, and voila! Here she is, Ms. Midnight Hollow . . . 

In the best wannabe punk clothes I could create.

     True to her Bookworm trait and small wallet, Angie found herself heading towards the Moldy Missives Library -- since, in this technological day and age, it has to be the deadest place in town, right? Even she knew that one of those crappy, boxy 1990s PCs are better than nothing, and they would surely help pave the way to her eventual author-hood!
     Well, just my her luck. There weren't any computers in there. AT ALL.  But there was a fellow bookworm!

"MultiTabs are way too mainstream, man!"

     After running that fool's errand, Angie decided to call it a day and headed back home. Thankfully, to alleviate my her anger at the computer-less library, every Simmer's favorite stalker ice cream truck stopped by her house. Truly, every cloud has a silver lining. 

This damn thing was 20 Simoleons. Is this truck a Cold Stone Creamery on wheels?

     After om-nom-nomming on that super expensive ice cream cone, Angie found herself drifting away into a daydream, imaging herself penning a bunch of novels. 

That's nice and all -- huh? What's that behind your dream cloud . . .?

A MAYUN!!!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Humble Beginnings (Prologue)

     Once upon a time, a recently aged young adult named Angeline Holland, born and raised in the dark, infamous land of Midnight Hollow, had just flown from her parents' nest into the real world. A tiny, grey Victorian home welcomed her with open arms, and Angeline was perfectly happy. 

Hey, loving the Victorian age are in this girl's genes.

     About a few Sim hours week after moving in, she noticed a particularly odd discrepancy: despite living right down the street from the rather large School of Hard Knocks, hardly any children and teenagers had entered said school. At first, she dismissed it as her eyes playing tricks on her; living in such a stark landscape just made the students appear like shadows slinking into the school, but after heavy scrutinizing, she found that only seven students in total were enrolled in the school -- with five of them regularly attending the classes

     This news had left Angeline quite shocked. Why are there so few kids roaming around Midnight Hollow?! It was certainly not like that when she was a kid - there were kids practically bursting out of the classrooms' seams! The last term a Sim could use to describe the area was "crime-ridden", and it's not as if all of her new neighbors were trapped living in extreme poverty!

     Actually, speaking of extreme poverty . . . 


     Safe to say, this woman isn't having any babies any time soon -- but since the rest of the Sim world was so turned off by the idea of living in the Hollow, it's up to Angeline to transfer some young blood into Midnight Hollow. Eventually.