Personally, I'd be more worried about our broke . . . ness. |
Actually, nevermind. All of her future kids are going to be burned in her memory, so what's the need for a camera? Thankfully, this generous helping of cash will hold her over for a while (read: a few seconds Sim hours).
. . . Well, to be fair, that money is currently burning a hole in her pockets, so. . .
Angeline keeps it real (eco-friendly), and it's not like she'll be going out much. |
Anyways, Sleeping Beauty wakes up at 7AM to the sound of her cellphone ringing, and suddenly . . . a wild Pokémon opportunity appears! It's right up her alley, too.
Would I like to accept? Are Sims' AIs really stupid? |
With the idea of cash moniez swimming in her mind, Angeline sets off to make the greatest bowl of Mac and Cheese to ever mac and cheese. And what do I get to read as soon as she finished cooking her mac-gnum cheesus*?
Practice makes perfect, I suppose. Three attempts and a house fire (that I totally forgot to screencap, sorry) later . . .
"I hope the charred smell really wins them over." |
To be fair, making that goopy carbonara really helped boost Angie's self-esteem. Guys -- she's totally in it to win it. Nothing can stop her.
"Hey, you got your bike on my car!" "Hey, you got your car in my bike!" |