Friday, October 17, 2014

Heir Salon I - Part 1



    If there was anytime I wished that I could be a Sim, these past two weeks would certainly have been the time. 

  Because all mine did was freaking SLEEP. 

   To be fair, Angeline probably slept that long is because she's on the verge of turning into an elder. Like, "one day away" verge. I can't believe it, either.

    So for memory's sake, here's the last time we're going to see Angie while she's young.

And without dentures.
    Thankfully, Heather has picked up the role of family chef from dear old mom. 
The treats are so good that Gwen didn't notice her lack of thumb afterwards.

   And I'm not sure if Angie will achieve her lifetime wish before passing on, but money is money. Raising three teenagers and three kids isn't exactly living a frugal lifestyle.

     Meanwhile, Emma tried to start a dunking contest with Danny. In the freezing cold weather. Sounds like someone is trying to either break bones or get sick on purpose. 

   Sorry, Em, you're going to

   bonding with your brother and sisters. So there.

   Also, Angie started playing some EA product placement football game while I wasn't looking.

Joke's on her, she can't even reach the keyboard.

    I'm going to say it right now -- I'm going to fudge the rules a bit today. Since Gwen and Heather are two days away from becoming teenagers, and nowhere near getting on the honor roll (and won't get to it in time due to snow), we're going to throw an impromptu birthday party . . .  and give them a challenge at the Heir Salon. I'll explain that one in a bit.

   But first, the fudging. Of a cake.

  Since Gwen is the oldest, she gets the homemade cake. No, I'm not playing favorites.

Ian is, though. He doesn't have a horrible scowl and has actual clothing on.

 Yes, these traits are still indeed the first ones to come up after clicking on the randomization dice. (That's the one thing I'm going to miss about screen capping the game on my OS X Mavericks partition,  TS3's infotags don't show up when you use the Windows 7 Snipping Tool.)

  The randomized clothing choices were pretty decent this time around. (Note clothing, not shoes.) Usually you need to go all Fashion Police on your Sims, but I lucked out. That hasn't happened since Brad aged up to a kid!

 Jeez, Heather can give Angelina Jolie a run for her money in the lips department. 

   Anyways, that's enough for this part. Tune in tomorrow for the showdown at the elusive Heir Salon! What challenges await Gwen and Heather?! Which daughter will get the honor of being the next baby factory?! 

    Same Sim time, same Sim blog~