Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tropical Freeze



   This game can be so insanely erratic regarding children and their education. Before they even leave their home for the first time ever, they assign them homework on topic they couldn't possibly know -- and cancel the next day over a light snowfall? (I used testingcheatsenabled true to look at the weather status.)

To be fair, any amount of snow is too much for Sunlit Tides.

    Regardless, any day spent bonding with her children is a good one. Gwen had some unfinished business to settle, though. The long awaited painting? Not even a solid $200 for it.

   Money is money, so, eh, no big deal. Getting pregnant again is the big deal, but with this new reward and Fertility Treatment combined, Gwen is sure to be spitting out babies like a potato gun.

     With Gavin on the way, it's time to get their hormones skyrocketing.

     Too bad that reward is either glitched, or Gwen's a victim of false advertising.


    Fine, whatever, it's not like Gwen's getting any older and the game is glitching out on a snow day YET AGAIN. /sarcasm

Yeah game, it's not like I WANT my kids to improve their grades.

   Thankfully, Gavin was up for going to a "tour" of Captain Jack's Theater, while Greg was the only kid smart enough to blow off the school bus.

But not smart enough to keep an eye on Logan.

   Meanwhile, I'm just amused that Gavin didn't feel comfortable cheating on his wife, Alice, in comfort of his lover's home on clean sheets on a freaking hover-bed, but was totally down for doing it in public, presumably on a nasty buttered-popcorn-and-nacho-cheese encrusted theater seat. 

Even if you had a huge exhibition fetish, a theater's the last place
I'd exhibit the goods.

     Unlike the tour, they were thoroughly intrigued with one another. 

     The kids, on the other hand, had no such surprises or enjoyment this day.

    Once they reached home, Harry took a nap before work, the girls made up for lost time by catching up on their shows and Jake decided to go fishing. In the pool.

Ah, imagination.

    Without the sound of a baby jingle confirmation a pregnancy, Gwen promptly returned home and decided to actually hang out with her kids for once. Interestingly (or sadly), Kendall was the only kid in the challenge so far to actually have a wish to get some attention from Mom. I guess her siblings subconsciously realized at a young age that Mom was going to have her hands full?

      As such, Greg spent his day with his little brothers and sisters, showing off his love of the outdoors, the cold and his family all at once. Here, he taught Ingrid how to make a classic snowman while her thoughts were about heading back into the house to have a submarine adventure in a nice, hot bathtub with a rubber ducky.

   Jake tried to join in, only to find the two had just finished up. His response was very un-sportsmanlike.

    Greg must have saw what happened to his goalie snowman and, while appreciative of his brother's creative use of a hockey stick, decided that he didn't want to be on the receiving end of it. As such, he dealt with the barrage of loud, technicolor calamity of sound and images that passes as the KiDZone channel.

     Gwen could hear it from all the way upstairs, but pushed it aside so that little Logan can get to growing up. Maybe it's because he was the result of a single birth and not competing with any other siblings, but he's been a remarkably quiet toddler. If he's not sleeping, he's playing in the toy-box or sucking down on a bottle.

     Also, this.

     Meanwhile, Fluffy made some sweet cash.

    With a new baby on the way, Gwen announced it one-on-one to the others, who were all over the moon about the announcement. Jacob actually got a wish to win a game against Gwen!

     Hopefully the new baby's better at playing with peg puzzles than their new big brother. . . 

 . . . And that the triplets can deal with toddlers as well as Greg.

I love this animation. Logan just does not want to let go.

   With another baby daddy crossed off the list, Gwen needs to scout out some more on that online dating service. Guess who we got a message from?

And didn't have the dignity to turn him down?

     Gwen didn't have much opportunity to flirt with him, though. The kids need blueberry pancakes and we need some Simoleons to buy the ingredients! (In real life, It would be pretty convenient to just deposit some cash in your fridge and then ingredients show up. Shame The Sims 2 didn't go that route.)

      Maybe, I haven't mentioned this (enough), but seriously, if you value your sanity use your teens. Greg's usefulness just multiplied double-fold.

     The kids are at least brushing up on their trash-talking game. Too bad you can't chuck bills in the trash.

     Nothing particularly interesting happened for the rest of the night. Gwen's bump started to show, Greg and Harry received their Prom notifications, and Greg's stint as Golden Boy is still passing with colors.

     I know all Sims are bit quirky in their own way, but I think Greg and Harry are pushing their luck just being invited to Prom. Neither of them scream boyfriend material.

Greg is one-night-stand-and-then-baby-daddy material, though.

     But, to be fair to kid Sims, there isn't much they can do with toddler-aged siblings aside from giving them bottles (useful) and taking away their candy (misguided concern?). Jake and Kendall at tried to join with block-building, but Logan noped out with that. It's not helping that Jake is giving an unsettling Greg-like grin.

      At least the game allows kids to wander off into the wilderness in the name of scientific research and cold-hard cash. Heaven knows the Hollands need it.

   As of tonight, none of that money needs to go to diapers for the time being.

   With all of the kids tucked away in bed, Gwen got right to some serious typing. Within three hours of having her first cup of coffee, she finally finished Alonso's biography, gaining her some cash and Alonso's respect -- which is the last thing she needs.

   She proceeded to kill it when writing and illustrating her comic book. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

     Gwen's still not far from finished when it comes to earning royalties -- but her young adult stage is almost up. Being just two days away from officially becoming an adult and another baby -- how long will she be able to fight off the urges to get a midlife crisis tattoo and crows' feet?

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Birthday Cake Bonanza



     Giving birth while your mind and body is running on whatever fumes you have left? Not fun. Too bad Gwen didn't have a chance to grab a cup of the Low-Fat Milk Strawberry Sprinkles Chai  -- or whatever insanity the base game barista brewer makes -- before having yet another kid. Thankfully, it's a single birth this time!

     However, Logan's birth wasn't witnessed by just his mother; Greg decided to stay behind because he had a wish to skip school for the day. (At least he had a decent excuse in that his mom was about to give birth -- seriously, who the hell sends their kids to school on such a big occasion like that?)

   Gwen wasn't having any of that crap, though! Not even five Sim minutes after giving birth she marched right up to Greg and punished him, thanks to finicky Generations mechanics. but still, getting straight As is a huge part of this challenge, so I had her let him off the hook so he could go to school.

   Fluffy didn't get the memo, though, and proceeded to tackle Greg. Guess those evil minion lessons failed to stick.

    Greg's reaction?

   Is it too late to ask EAxis to put a Psychiatrist career in for Sims 4? Disregarding that moment of homicidal matricide. . . 

   With two kids, three toddlers and one baby making a calamity of noise in the house, Gwen's going to need all the sleep she can get.

   That goes double for money as well. Cats and dogs are a good investment if you have Pets installed; they're automatic Collection Helpers.

     Meanwhile, the walker and playpen are doing more parenting than Gwen has done in this challenge.

   Harry decided to get on Fluffy's good side by appealing to her fair-weather attitude towards Greg.

     The twins proceeded to be the most passive-aggressive sonsofbitches by talking crap about the walker. Seriously, they try being single dads with six kids each!

"Because the walker will totally teach 'em to walk downstairs."

      Gwen does attempt to do some actual training and managed to complete it one one cup of coffee, so yay her!

     And proceeded to ignore her very expensive, floating queen-sized bed as well as her aging toddler kids.

Their other gifts were canned soup and green salad.

Already practicing her teenage angst-y looks.

     As the family slept, I was greeted with the twins' upcoming birthdays. I'm just glad that teens are pretty much adults when it comes to toddler care.

    The day's breakfast was certainly a lively one. Clattering utensils and high-pitched chatter filled the air. One with actual conversations and bonding? Oh my.

At least Gwen has her head in the game.

    With her middle-aged years creeping up on her, she needed to get as many men as she can for the final total.

   The results of checking her online dating profile?

More like Daniel Unpleasant amirite?

    Since Logan's sleeping in his crib and the older kids are currently getting their education on, this is perfect time to practice those saucy pickup lines!

"Oh, I'm just picturing me painting you like one of those French girls."
     Shortly afterwards, Gavin shows up in all of  his tacky tourist glory and proceeds to make life a little easier for Gwen and I.

There was even some subtle romantic scenery around to help!

     Sadly, things took a soap opera twist for the worst. Even worse than Gavin dropping dead on the spot:

Moment killers!

  The worst part is that the kid never even came home with Ingrid. Damn glitches. But at least we have tomorrow afternoon to look forward to!

Greg can learn from the pros on how to be evil!

  But for now, our twins are officially moody teenagers. Hoofreakingray.

   Greg's going to make his evil plans environmentally-friendly while Harry's slowly becoming a boorish sitcom protagonist. At least they're cute moody teenagers.


     Greg's always had a soft spot for Kendall, and it showed a lot today. Minion #2 in training?

      While Mom was passed out, Harry ordered an unnecessarily expensive pizza so at least his family could have a hot meal on their birthday.

  The night passed by without incident. Gwen woke up at 3:00 AM so she could get some work done in peace.

   The same couldn't be said for Ingrid and Kendall, because Logan woke up wailing for a new diaper and food at the same time. Thankfully, Harry was nearby to assuage the situation. Teenagers are a godsend in these challenges.

  However, with Generations installed, having just one in the household triggers this event. 

Yeah, she wishes.

    The triplets also decided to finish up their homework hours before the school bus is set to arrive. How the hell does the school board expect them to know the material when they were just toddlers yesterday?

  At least Jake managed to get a few winks in before the school day started.

It's like a nap contest.

   Gwen's day really started when Logan's toddler notification popped up:

Can you imagine how broke the Hollands would be if they bought a birthday cake every other day or so?

    Gwen celebrated by calling up Gavin for some "cake", whilst Ingrid and Jacob acted rather deviously on that police field trip.

     At least we'll get some extra cash flowing in from Harry's job. Since Greg's family-oriented, he'll be the babysitter so Gwen can finally leave the house.

   For now, that's not the case -- Gavin Grantham needs all the wooing he can get!