Saturday, January 7, 2017

In Da Club



     See Gwen running off to do something with her life for once? That was her reaction to realizing that she doesn't need to prepare three family-sized plates of autumn salad, blueberry pancakes and goopy carbonara at 2 AM for a while. With five teens in the house now, that means five less mouths that are dependent on Mom - but it also provides five more ways to start a house fire.

     But at least Greg and Harry aren't the only ones who have to deal with babies and toddlers in the dead of night when Gwen's out cold from writing books, creating paintings or cooking up a storm.

     However, there's a certain toddler that won't need to be looked after anymore!

     At least Mikey can be the baby of the house for a little while longer now.

Shouldn't Logan be called a Divo?

    Okay, Logan's officially one of my new favorite Sims of all time, just behind his Uncle Brad and Aunt Heather. He wears his new trait well, what can I say?

    Although there is a beef I have to settle with The Sims 3's genetics . . . it really, really loves to give kids yellow-green hair when a blond(e) and brunet(te) parent are involved. 

     Dark chartreuse is probably not the best year-round color for hairdos. So I chose to dye Logan's hair to a jet-black shade. Normally, I wouldn't mess around with a 100BC baby's genetics, but since he isn't an eligible heir anyway, I figured "why not"?

    Logan's family celebrated his birthday by going on with their lives. (The house would have more birthday cake than your local bakery if I bought one every time a Sim aged up!)

  Meanwhile, Ingrid joined the school's Newspaper Club, presumably continuing the family tradition of the heiress being the authoress of several books.

She's in da club.

     She also hit it off well with Logan, which is very surprising, considering that they hardly interacted with each other as child and toddler (even with the little amount of interactions kids and tots have). Who knew that Divas and Social Butterflies go together like peanut butter and jelly?

"Sorry Logan, playing peek-a-boo got real old real quick."

     As the household slowly, but surely, got ready to turn in for the night, Logan was so excited to sleep in a real bed, only for Mikey to wake him up an hour in, screaming for a new diaper and a bottle.

"Mom, he's ruining my beauty sleep cycle!"

   Gwen couldn't hear any of this commotion, since she was too busy being punk'd pranked by Harry's little sink gag. 

     Also, as I was typing the above sentence?

"Well damn Jackie, I can't control the auto-spell!"

     This event did inspire her to continue writing her newest book. On an expensive laptop. While dripping wet. To be fair, Gwen was inspired, not enlightened. 

    She was smart enough to dry off when her kids came down, one by one, for breakfast time. Nobody wants to be served leftover pancakes that are drenched in anything but syrup. 

I didn't realize I gave Gwen and Ken matching PJs.

     Or pay bills.


     Thankfully, Gwen managed to finish her book with the very little amount time she had before her kids come running back into the house.

What were the kids running to in the first place? THEIR SCHOOL BUS.


     At least Harry finally got a Lifetime Wish.

   Which gave me an idea. I'm not letting the kids goof off again -- unless they gain at least one skill point in anything. At least their traits gave me an idea of what to train them in.

     Greg seemed to enjoy fulfilling Logan's frequent requests for compliments. I have no doubt that this blatant act of kindness is actually some subtle evil plan to mold Logan into the perfect comic-relief villainous sidekick.

     If that doesn't work, Mikey's insanity and athleticism might be more beneficial. Until then, he has some serious training to deal with regarding walking, talking and potty-training.

     Gwen didn't count "conditioning younger siblings to the ways of evil" as a skill to be trained, so she and Greg hopped into the pickup for this series' first, of probably many, driving lesson. He didn't complete it on the first day. 😞

   With Mom out of the house, the older siblings have some TV marathons to watch.

     Expect for Harry, who got the worst possible promotion at the Spa for a Sim that's Inappropriate.

"Offend all the customers!"

   The rest of the day passed without incident. Loud conversations at dinnertime, waiting lines for all of the bathrooms in the house, a slow march to bed, and a slowly-building chorus of snoring.

   Mikey's bladder waits for no one. Jacob got the honor of being the first one to help him with the potty -- after he had just washed his hands for breakfast..

  Because it's the first day of spring in Sunlit Tides. Which means no more snow days. WHICH MEANS KIDS ARE OUT OF THE HOUSE.

   Greg, as usual, tried to skip class and play games on his mom's laptop -- and busted it. She made him fix it before having to chase after the school bus.

     After that? Silence. For the first time in a while, it's just Mom and Baby at home, even if for a few hours. 

      One hour was used for breakfast in the high-chair and bath-time. Gwen dumped Mikey in the playpen shortly afterwards so she could chat with Daniel Pleasant on her repaired PC.

     Don't worry. Mikey has someone to talk with.