Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Making a Migration to Windows 7! (While on a Mac) -- DONE!

Hi everyone, just a quick note:

In order to make my iMac more work efficient, I finally set up a Windows 7 partition - aka Boot Camp - on it, so it can be my "play" side just for my Simmies  ;) . 

Now, I know what you're thinking:

"You played TS3 . . . on an iMac . . . up to this point? Are you, like, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?"

To which I respond, "Well, since EA ported the game over to the Mac, clearly they had intentions of Mac users playing the game."

Anyway, I have to reinstall all my Sims 3 EPs, SPs and Store content (which there is a lot), and deal with schoolwork on top of that, so I will have a to take a very brief hiatus from the 100BC so I can my TS3 can make a safe migration. Hopefully by mid-October I'll be back and at 'em. 

On the plus side, hellllloooo TS2 Ultimate and TS4!!!


UPDATE 10/3/14:

Alright, it's been pretty smooth sailing so far on the reinstalling front, so I'll post my progress and schedule here.

The base game took about an hour and a half. All the EPs installed so far, barring World Adventures, have taken a little over an hour and a half to install. (WA took about two hours for some reason, maybe Origin's servers were having issues?) My only SPs, Town Life and Master Suite, thankfully took only fifteen minutes each.


BASE GAME - Downloaded and installed on 9/28
WORLD ADVENTURES - Downloaded and installed on 9/29
AMBITIONS - Downloaded and installed on 10/1
LATE NIGHT - Downloaded and installed on 10/1
TOWN LIFE STUFF - Downloaded and installed on 10/1
PETS - 1st 50% downloaded on 10/2 and installed the rest on 10/2
MASTER SUITE STUFF - Downloaded and installed on 10/2
SHOWTIME - Downloaded and installed on 10/2
SUPERNATURAL - 1st 50% downloaded on 10/2 and installed the rest on 10/3
SEASONS - Downloaded and installed on 10/3
UNIVERSITY LIFE - Downloaded and installed on 10/3
ISLAND PARADISE - Downloaded and installed on 10/3
STORE CONTENT - Downloaded and installed assets during 10/3 - 10/8


UPDATE 10/11/14:

      Sorry for the minor delay in updating. I was studying for two geology tests back to back -- but now the migration is 100% complete!! I've really missed writing, so I'm glad to be back on track!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Turbo Toddler



    "Kids grow up so fast," they oftentimes say. Whoever "they" is absolutely true, because Ian aged up, like, three Sim hours after he was born.

     Even more impressive is the fact that Angeline just . . . dumps Ian into the walker. She's clearly getting too old for this crap.

    Gwen, on the other hand, is pretty young to be thinking about how to start writing out an entire multi-chapter novel for public consumption, but since she may very well be our Generation 2 heir, who would I be to deny a young girl her wish?

"Not talking about William and Harry. Heather and I look way cuter."

    She wrote for a good twenty minutes, then proceeded to paint yet another abstract piece of work. At least she made good cash pronto.

   Ah, the wonders of toddler toys! Ian hit his first milestone without his mom's help!

Not sure if proud or depressed.

   Neither did Fiona, apparently. But look! She didn't blow up her den!

    Oh, yeah, don't think I'm leaving Heather out in the dust; for the past two Sim days, she's been autonomously playing with her Not-Easy-Bake toy oven constantly. Now she's the miniature Cake Boss!!

   The next day started off with Ian putting on his big boy pants:

     And since his poor big brother Danny had wet his, I decided to buy him a lifetime reward. Just so one less person in this house needs to shower on a regular basis.

He still had to shower afterwards, though.

    Fiona gets one too, after all she finally improved her Science skill to "not failtastic".  Since Angie had a whole bunch of them stocked up, what reward would be better for her little genius than the . . .

    She got some groovy outerwear before heading out in the great bone-chillingly cold outdoors.

     Gwen finally made some buck off her book!

     After an entirely grueling two hours of search, Fi came home with two seeds and four rocks to analyze. Each of which ended with disappointment.

      You might not have noticed I've kind of ignored Emma today. If you did, here's your reward: a new hairdo and outfit suited for the wintertime. She poses that way a lot, but she can't hold a candle to Brad.

    Thankfully, Ian's exhausted of being a toddler after only one day of being one. I don't blame the kid, I'd get tired of people taking care of me, too. Time to age him up!

   I sense a lot of bonding with Fiona in the future . . .

   And purple. Lots and lots of purple!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Final Fling



    Like any typical wannabe scientist, Fiona has totally thrown herself into the incredible world of looking at random rocks and plants! Too bad she still sucks at it.

      I feel bad; she's been doing these kinds of experiments forever and has epically failed every single time. So I bought her a skeleton, who was clearly not in mood for this analytical crap:

     Meanwhile, Angeline kept on writing her book . . . 

    Gwen kept honing her inner Picasso . . . 

    Emma got yet another belt . . . 

Miraculously, with no stink clouds.

      Aaaand Angie finally got pregnant with Baby No. 9:

      To celebrate, she proceed to sit down for a good six hours straight and finished her book.

It was on top of the charts in 1 country for 1 week.

     Since she's an adult on the verge of elder hood pregnant with her ninth child, it's only natural she uses it for her new drama book.

    Christopher was also nice enough to work hard in order to age up to young adulthood! Thanks, son!


   Also, his genetics are kind of "meh". Serious meh-netics at work.

    He generously paid part of the bills and promptly left home. I'd miss him already if we didn't have another kid on the way.

    At this rate, this would've been a filportant chapter with watching the kids trying to skill up in ways that were slower than a computer with dial-up, but I decided to cut to the the chase and show Angie's final fling in its glory.

     In true multitasking fashion, Heather hones her mad Easy Bake skillz to feed her hoard of siblings. She's going to be there for quite a while . . .

    Anyway, here's our Number 9: a bouncing baby boy!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Big Bang



     Like any recent alien abductee, Angeline immediately wants to forget all the probing and experimentation recently done to her various dental cavities, so she heads inside to deal with toddler madness. She's still a little out of it, though . . .

"Please tell me that's raindrops."

      Meanwhile, Danny tried to give the vegetarian lifestyle a shot, but it didn't pan out well.

"Emma, why are half your pictures about you eating?"

     The bills showed up later in the day, but before I could pay it in full, Danny boy rolled in some good cash, leading to the quickest money rebound ever.

    If only we could recoup money that fast IRL. Or potty train toddlers in a day:

    Even though Heather's toddler training is officially done, we can't quite age her up yet -- having one twin being older than the other by an entire life stage would be hard to explain to the neighbors. (Not that having as many kids as Sim-anly possible is any easier.)

    Nevermind that! We have a training crunch to do!

    And this generation's last double birthday, too.

    To honor both of her little girls, Angie immediately throws herself into working on her book, which, unsurprisingly, ended up being a hit.

"You complete me."

    As a reward, I bought her Super Green Thumb, and she started on her newest drama book.

    After writing away for a few hours and getting some cash . . . 

   Angeline got a very special wish.

How could I deny her that?

    After taking a well deserved shower and gussying up, Angie called Karl Simon, the guy that ran away 2 sim hours into their date:

   Miraculously, he stayed this time, but their "date" felt a little awkward somehow.

   Then it hit me: His face. It's like he knew what was going down the second he stepped foot on the porch.
Can't you just smell the fear? 

  The good news is that we won't need him around anymore -- our last jingle played.