Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Raining Men

      Hallelujah! Angeline has officially got her first bun in the oven courtesy of Nathan Watts . . . and I'm going to do everyone here a favor and encapsulate her reaction in one photo:

She vomited at least eight times in the first trimester day. Yes, I counted.

      Also, for the sake of not boring everybody to death, Angie gardened like crazy this chapter. Her house's garden wasn't enough; nope, she went straight to that huge public garden that every TS3 world has and nabbed all those fruits and veggies for herself. I felt like I was playing Harvest Moon, except with more Gothic style and out of wedlock babies.

But with just as much skill grinding.

   .  .  .  Wait a second. Is that what I think it is . . ?

Writing wants?!

      Oh. Angeline wants a boy. Guess she doesn't want to deal with the whole princess phase thing just yet. But let's keep everything gender neutral juuuust in case!

Mr. Fangston wouldn't be the first vamp to watch people while they're sleeping.

     After quickly changing into the infamously fugly maternity clothes, a thought hits Angie -- now that Nathan's off the list, his junk is junked. She's got to find other men, and fast. Maybe visiting the gym will help? That'll warrant a visit . . .

The Deserted Gymnasium = guilty of false advertisement.

    After meeting briefly with her future baby daddies, our heroine finally went home after a nice, long sweaty day of digging through dirt and men. She gardened in peace for two Sims days until all hell broke loose. It began with this:

     I said "No, wait until I push this kid out." Because Angeline has business to settle. You see, the game keeps track of a Sim's romantic reputation, and if Angie wants to get far in this challenge, she needs to make a clean break with her victims. ("Exploring her options" indeed.)

Before she even got a word in with Nate, the best thing ever happened:

I'd make a comment but in reality I was just laughing my ass off.

     Thankfully, he took it rather well considering the circumstances of the challenge . . . and I got two more pleasant surprises.

1.) Who says Sims 3 Sims have no emotion?

2.)  Return of the Awkward Mustache Hair!!! 

       I was promptly warned that Angeline is being "unforgivably rude" and will be asked to leave soon (the game's words, not mine). While Nathan sauntered along his house with a smirk, she left -- and decided to butter up her next door neighbor, Jack Skellington Limb, for future easy sailing.

Aaaand then the baby decided to make its glorious entrance. 


  1. What's wrong with the princess phase? (It's a phase? I was supposed to grow out of that? Horror face-> 0.0 ) And what's this... *click* Gaaaaah, not a link to TV tropes! I was just starting to get my life back!

    Lol, I can't believe Nathan's reaction when he saw Angie! That's hilarious! Sims can have such perfect comedic timing on occasion.

    Yay! It's baby time!

  2. Don't take it personally! :-) I'm not those women who think all feminine things = bad or regressive to feminism. (I always considered myself 50% tomboy and 50% girly.)

    Normally I try not to overdo TV Tropes stuff -- because some people are waaaaaaaaaayy too obsessed with that site -- but I wanted to throw it out there since it can be odd to people if they're not a parent (to be).

    I totally hear you on Nathan. It's the funniest thing that's ever happened in my game! She just walked into his house and he freaked lmao.
