Sunday, September 25, 2016

Like Day and Night

     Finishing novels is a monumental event that may or may not gross monumental amounts of royalties. I actually don't have much to begin with this time around, except that Gwendolyn has officially just finished her first book and improved her Writing skill to boot. Like mother, like daughter.

      But like many authors, one does not simply rest after polishing off any work. They must brainstorm and begin tackling the next one head-on. Alonso's biography is the rare work doesn't require much that thought, thankfully.

     Whilst writing this casually-requested book, another rare event also occurs: a guy asks us on a date and we weren't already pregnant with his kid(s)!!

Take notes, Alonso. That dude been dying to have another date with Gwen!
Also, baby bump no. 1.

     Gwen swiftly accepts the offer, and thankfully Griffin isn't too far! In fact, he's near Riku's Luau Diner, and when I say "near [the diner]", I mean "near an empty field behind someone's house that happens to be down the road from Riku's."

I guess he likes Sora better.

    Meanwhile, Gwen gets a wish to watch a movie with her date. I oblige and the two hop into our mama's sea-foam-colored Vorn pickup truck, and after an awkwardly long drive (stupid game routing, stupid circular Sunlit Tides . . .) the two arrive outside of Captain Jack's Theater to see any random movie and -- woah, woah, woah.

      Lonnie, sweetheart, you're already cheating on your girlfriend! You have zero right to bitch out Gwen in public! Griffin doesn't give a crap, and thus any drama I was expecting gracefully fizzled out. After the movie, Gwen gets a wish to hug Griff. Of course!

Anything to butter up our future victims!

    The date ends then and there, and both Sims are very satisfied with the outing. Good moodlets all around! Even Fluffy gets a little smoochie for all the work she's done!

     From here on out, not much interesting happened; a text sent to Griff here, a few chapters of Alonso's biography finished there. Gwen's baby bump grew until the inevitable day she would break her water -- and broke it, she did! Right while painting her magnum opus!

   She waddled her little bubble butt over to her pickup and drove her in-labor self down to the Coconut Palms Medical Facility like the boss she is. 

    Meanwhile, a taxi drives up, which means that --

I'll have to write a chapter starring Jerry Springer Simmer.

    Gwen's going to have to sit tight and explain awkward stuff in an awkward manner . . . nah, she gives birth to . .  .


     From here, a new routine has to be formed: cuddle crying baby, feed them, put them to sleep, wake them up for another cuddle, change dirty diaper, put them back to sleep -- and has to be done 2 times. Also, bills and boys.

   Unlike her mom, Gwen's a machine -- she had given birth just one day before and is ready to get pregnant again! Griffin was very impressed.

     He even helped change Harry for her! Odd, since Alonso is the boys' father.

     Anyways, business as usual. After listening and for the famous baby jingle -- and hearing it --  Griffin's service is now complete. 

     Promptly after kicking him out, a few hours pass before Gwen gets nauseous. Griff's swimmers are quick ones.

   Gwen's dear sister Heather asks to come over to see her new nephews in person . . . while Gwen was about to feed Harry. She continues babbling for God knows how along after Gwen told her she can come over, while said nephews are dying to get some milk.

The eye-roll sells it.

    Heather ended up not dropping by for whatever reason. Thanks for the warning, sis. The rest of the day passes without incident, but Gwen awakes the next morning to another baby bump.

     As well as beginning to do some more work on the rather lengthily-titled biography project. More skill is better that none, anyways.

     Meanwhile, Fluffy learned a very important lesson about both the food chain and digestive tract.

Not baby related, I know, but the bubble and the text together is priceless.

      Speaking of small creatures and their boduly functions, the twins continue their marathon of crying, eating and crapping until the one glorious notice pops up:

     Because Gwen's usually about four seconds away from passing out these days, I loaded her up on coffee and bought two entire birthday cakes. She had a craving to eat mac and cheese, so she went to cook it, got distracted by a phone call, and nearly burnt down half of the kitchen.

    Alonso and Rosalind were nice enough to drop by and proceed to be completely useless. 

      A local firefighter (a female one, so no flirting for Gwen) dropped by and managed to put out the fire before any true damaged or deaths could occur. Determined to not let this ruin their sons' birthday, Gwen and Alonso soldiered on despite the smell of burnt mac and cheese and wood filling the air.

     Rosalind stayed for a bit, cheerfully oblivious to the situation between her boyfriend and neighbor. I guess witnessing a house fire killed her appetite for birthday cake.

    Greg and Harry grew into pretty interesting looking toddlers. Alonso's not a half bad looking man, but I guess his genes didn't mesh 100% with Gwen's. Also, much like their mother and aunt, they aren't identical in the least bit.

Greg                                                  Harry

   Their auntie Heather was nice enough to drop by after a long grueling day of being a kitchen scullion at the local bistro. Fun fact: her call caused the kitchen fire. Too bad we can't sue Sims, but Gwen did guilt trip her into changing two dirty diapers.

      She was even kind enough to help Harry get a head start on his walking skill! Greg looks on rather evilly . . .


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