Ruining the quiet atmosphere for everyone else. |
I wanted to mix it up when it comes to Angeline's lifetime wish and traits -- "Yet another Neat, Good, mother Sim that wants at least five babies? Really?" Nope! She wants to be a moneymaking author above all else.
That way, she makes money whilst technically having a job. Win-win! |
Naturally, Angeline took the "loosely based on a true story path for her first book, and slowly, but surely, raising her writing skill.
For an entire $9 per couple of chapters. COUPLE OF THEM. |
Meanwhile, Aaron finally learned all of his toddler skills! A shame that it was with the playpen and not with his Mother Dearest, but we can't afford to be picky with yet another bill coming to haunt me. We need all those $9 payments more than ever.
Do I really need arrows for this? |
Oh yeah, and David's baby dropped by to say hello.
However, Angeline has 50% left on her novel -- so everybody had better sit tight.
A little over two days of nonstop typing only gets a Sim $40. (Stupid dormant plants.) Luckily, the playpen and swing raised the boys' need bars, so they deserve a reward for their patience . . . like a double birthday!
D O U B L E B I R T H D A Y A L L T H E W A Y !
Aaron gets a new trait, Brad gets a life state, and both get a makeover:
At least the tomatoes will help us through the wintertime. |
And Brad gave me the gift of laughter.
"Oh God, what have I gotten into?" |
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